Should I Microchip My Pet?

Should I Microchip My Pet?

There's a lot to consider when microchipping your furry pal. We’ve provided some information to help you decide if you should microchip your pet.

What is microchipping?

A microchip is a scannable chip that is placed under an animal’s skin using a needle. It costs around $50 and feels like a pinch to your pet. Microchips provide contact information along with vital information about any medical conditions your pet may have. This chip has a unique code that can be read by a scanner so others can view the information.

If pets go missing

Although it is something that most pet owners don’t want to think about, losing your pet or someone stealing them is a real possibility. AKC Reunite has reported that one in three dogs go missing at some point in their lifetime. Unfortunately, only 15-20% of dogs and less than 2% of cats are ever reclaimed by their owners when in shelters.

Collars are commonly used as a form of identification, however, they can easily break, fall off or be removed. If getting your pet microchipped, it is wise to have more than one identification system, so using a combination of a collar and microchip is best. Especially if you have an indoor cat who doesn’t wear a collar with tags, if they happen to get out of the house, a microchip increases their chance of being brought back home.

If something happens to you

Not only is losing your pet a possibility, but you should also consider if something were to happen to you while your pet is near. For instance, if you were hit by a car while walking your dog, a microchip could be used to identify someone (such as a family member or veterinarian) that could take care of your pet while you were unable to do so. It also serves as a method for you to prove that your furry friend is yours when needing to retrieve them.

Things to consider

Microchips allow others to identify animals so they have the opportunity to safely return home. Although, the chip only works if the pet is taken to a shelter or veterinarian’s office to be scanned for a chip. Microchips do not work like a tracker or GPS device where you are able to find your pet’s location if you get separated.

In addition, there have been some cases of complications when inserting the chip. It is rare but can happen. If choosing to microchip your pet, we suggest having a trained professional, like a veterinarian, do it to limit complications.
